
Frank Winkelman (The Netherlands, 1970) started making and selling furniture when he was 15 years old.
His father owned a shop, retailing old and antique European furniture called de Winckelaer. Frank learned at a young age how to restore and renew the furniture for it’s second life. The business of his father expanded. After his military service at the Royal Dutch Marines, he continued to work at de Winckelaer furniture.
In 1997 Frank took over the business of his father and started importing furniture from Asia. That’s how he ended up in Vietnam in 1999. The picture below of the young guy, was taken on one of Frank’s first visits to Vietnam.
In 2010 Frank’s Dutch company merged with de Bommel Group and expanded to 10 shops in Holland with 525 staff. In 2010 Frank set up Wilsons Hill Cty in Vietnam as a trading and representative office for de Bommel Group from The Netherlands. – WIL – (from his father) – SONS – (Frank) – HILL – (last name of his mother)
In 2017 Frank got to busy in Vietnam and he sold his shares in de Bommel Group and set up the inside saigon group in order to expand Wilsons Hill as a furniture factory.
Today inside saigon and Wilsons Hill are working world wide and Frank is still as passionate as in the early days. Now not restoring old furniture, like 30 years ago, but producing the antique furniture of the future.