The big unknown
- When Frank started to source for furniture in Vietnam in 1999, as owner and CEO of the Dutch company “de Winckelaer”, he came to a brand new, but undeveloped furniture world. “de Winckelaer” started developing and buying furniture in Vietnam with Anh Ty and was one of the first larger retailers in Europe to become very successful by importing Vietnamese furniture ranges into Holland
The merger in Holland
- Attracted by the success in Vietnam, in 2010 “de Winckelaer” merged with another Dutch company “de Bommel Furniture” www.debommel.com Frank stayed CEO of this new retail group and his responsibility was to develop new collections with Ty and buy larger volume of the furniture indoor productions in Vietnam for the retail group “de Bommel Furniture”
inside saigon
- Frank sold his shares that he held of “de Bommel Furniture” in The Netherlands to his partners in order to give his 100% focus at the production of indoor furniture in Vietnam. Now we are developing and producing furniture ranges for customers mainly in Middle East, Australia, USA, Europe and South Africa. Ms. Út and Steve are the driving forces on the factory floors. By renewing every day with a Western mind-set, we always try to stay ahead of the game
- We invite you today, to make the antique furniture of the future with us